Catching the forager’s eye

2 Jun


I had to come over and touch this tent caterpillar’s waterproof tent as  in the light rain it felt quite rubbery and solid, usually on a sunny day they appear fragile and soft,  odd I never noticed this change before. (click on for closer look)


Choke-cherry shrub in full bloom, noticing areas with many blossoming bushes in spring, makes for easy picking later on.


Dewberry (Rubus pubescens) was the dominant understory plant in a large poplar groove in which I was looking for Morel mushrooms. I’m quite fond of dewberries so I will return in a month as the fruit should be ready then.


The Monarch butterfly’s best friend Milkweed (Asclepias syriaca), these are young but still a little to mature to be good eating though again this sighting calls for a return visit in 3 weeks to gather some flower buds which are a very good wild food when prepared well.


Only wild mushroom I noticed today was the Orange Peel (Aleuria aurantia). I blew into the cap of the Orange Peel to remove some conifer needles and 2 seconds later the mushroom discharged a buff of smoke-like spores. I tried to catch this in a picture but couldn’t time it right, to blow, bring the mushroom around in front of the camera and take the picture with the other hand just didn’t work out, though it was interesting to try. This type of triggering spore dispersal was pretty consistent with mature Orange Peel mushrooms today, I don’t know if this is commonly known that the Orange Peel will do this. Well that is enough of the wilds of New Brunswick for you today. ciao

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