A May Bolete

30 May


Just a quick post on a bolete I found today under an Oak tree a few steps up the street from our house. This one may be Xanthoconium separans or possibly Boletus variipes. This is actually the first time I found a bolete in May in my neck of the woods, in fact I can’t recall seeing a king bolete type look-alike in June either. You don’t have to go anywhere to be amazed these days.


This is a little more seasonal and edible as I’m well away from the toxins of the street and the mushroom’s identity is certain, above and below are 2 photos of Dryad’s saddle which I am adding to my wild edible mushroom page tonight.


Here you can notice the pore surface under the cap if you click on the photo. ciao for now

3 Responses to “A May Bolete”

  1. mobius faith May 30, 2013 at 11:37 pm #

    Great captures.

  2. Isaac Yuen June 2, 2013 at 2:45 am #

    I’ve never seen a mushroom with pores like that before. Great pictures!

    • 1left June 2, 2013 at 9:12 pm #

      Thanks Isaac, The Dryad’s saddle is a very large and quite common wild mushroom east of the Rockies, but I see no mention of it farther west. The smooth under surface is like a crisp leather.

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